Saturday, November 21, 2009

Cleaning Out your Closet

OK the season has changed some time ago. It is now time to organize your closet it is now winter.


1. Take every thing out of your closet or dresser
2. Make 4 piles
a) spring/summer to keep - you wore it, it fits, it is in good shape and you love it
(keep for next year)
b) winter - you wear it, it fits, and you love it (to be put back into closet or dresser)
c) good shape but don't wear - give to charity
d) poor shape - trash
3. Evaluate what you need - create a shopping list
4. Put good winter clothing back in dresser or closet
5. Take what need fixing or fix it now (48 hours or you won't do it)
6. Take out the trash
7. Put in storage spring/summer clothing - ensure it is clean or moths will eat it.
8. Put in car or make call for charity to pickup donations
9. Reward yourself - nice hot bath or read a book

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